I am a fourth-year undergraduate student from the School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), majoring in Optics and Optical Engineering. You can find my CV here.
I’m looking for Ph.D. opportunities in Quantum Optics and Low Dimensional Optical Materials/Devices. Please feel free to email me if you have any opportunities or suggestions.
From 2022 to 2024, I focused on Fiber Cavity QED and participated in the “Single-atom trapping technique based on movable optical lattices” project supervised by Prof. Chuan-Feng Li and associate professor Dr. Jian Wang, CAS Key Laboratory of Quantum Information at USTC
Now, I am researching single photon emission in few-layer WSe2/WS2, which is supported by the SCOPE lab and led by Prof. Shengxi Huang and Wenjing Wu at Rice University.(Visiting scholar)
My senior thesis will focus on the strain engineering using PZT array (Especially PMN-PT). Now I’m trying to simulate the system and make the strain programmable using the voltage modulation.
Research Interests
- Fiber cavity QED
- Optical characterization of 2D materials
- Single photon emission based on defects